For me breath is life. It’s what lies between us. It anchors our very being. Done properly it can prolong our life. With the coronavirus the healing properties of the breath seem to have reversed roles. Marking boundaries as we distance, shield and mask our breath. This series was created while participating in the Proyecto´ace “Together Apart” FRONTIER international program that proposes a collaborative work and research format. Initially conceived in times of the pandemic as a refuge for artistic practices, the program seeks to rethink residencies during closed borders and restricted physical contact, supporting the international artistic and cultural community through the promotion of collective research and trans-disciplinary experimentation. In the photo series “Breathing Borders”, I wanted to explore how breath occupies the space between bodies while working with the notion of the body as a frontier. Bodies have borders and this series speaks to the possibilities of expanding these borders. A plastic sheet (the membrane as border) separates two facing bodies and is in constant flux as it responds to their breathing. Their breath travels, expanding new terrain.